Kamala Harris, another milestone surpassed


Photo Courtesy of AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, Pool

Kamala Harris gives her first speech after the democratic victory. He white suffragette suit representing another milestone women in America have passed.

Daniela Martell, Co-Editor-In-Chief

After 231 years and 48 vice presidents later, Kamala Harris became the first woman of color to become vice president of the United States. 

The viral video of  “We did it, we did it Joe. You’re going to be the next president of the United States!” symbolizes not only Biden’s win but her historical achievement as well.

Harris was born in California from two immigrant parents; her father from Jamaica and her mother from India. 

Kamala’s mother Shyamala Gopalan Harris raised her two daughters into the black culture of Oakland, California. 

Kamala Harris said, “She knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as black girls and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud black women.”

In 2003 she became the top prosecutor in the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office.

Later on she became the first woman and black person to serve as California’s attorney general. 

In 2017 she became California’s senator.

She first ran for president in January and had a good start to her campaign with her huge  rally in Oakland, however because of lack of 

funds and differentiating issues she dropped out of the race.

She was attacked by many republican officers; her name was mocked at and purposely mispronounced, her laugh, and other mannerisms. 

Whenever someone wants to hurt someone they will attack a person’s weaknesses and faults. 

She was treated like this because of her race and gender shining a light on the misogyny and racism that blinds the country. 

Kamala Harris does have her share of criticism. 

There have been claims of Kamala Harris not being progressive enough and the phrase “Kamala is a cop” has been in the air for some time.

She has been criticized for not having a lenient prosecutorial record.

California law professor Lara Bazelon called out Harris on “her being insufficiently supportive of progressive criminal justice reforms” in a New York Times opinion piece. 

Despite the criticism, Kamala Harris has still broken ground. 

Sexism would be calling out what a woman wears and not doing the same to a man, however Kamala Harris has done bold statements through her clothes. 

During the campaign Harris sported sneakers, rejecting the typical high heel ideal that women should wear them in order to look professional. 

When Kamala Harris and Joe Biden celebrated their victory for the 2020 elections on November 8th, Kamala wore white in honor of the suffragettes. 

Senior Sybonae Acosta said, “I think by Kamala Harris becoming vice president-elect it is a giant step forward for women across the nation- especially women of color. This is the first female vice president and it now gives girls someone to look up to like never before. To me this means that the United States is moving in the right direction and it is crucial for us to keep the momentum.”

Kamala Harris being the first Indian American vice president-elect has created celebrations across India. 

Particularly in her grandfather’s village of Thulasendrapuram; people have gathered in that village to set off firecrackers and to pray. 

Aulmozhi Sudhakar, village councillor of Thulasendrapuram, said, “Kamala Harris is the daughter of our village. From children to senior citizens, each one of us is awaiting the day she would take oath as the vice president of the US.”

Kamala Harris has created history for every female and every minority in America, inspiring every female in America.