Loretto’s Big Star



“What Was I Thinking” single by Danielle Leydon

Reginna Escobar, Entertainment Editor

Danielle Leydon, a freshman at Loretto Academy, published her first songs recently on Spotify.

Her two singles are called “Doormat” and “What Was I Thinking?”

Danielle is currently signed in the studio Beacon Hills, where they manage the recording of her songs.

According to Danielle, it is very long process to record songs because of the very sensitive matter of copyrights.

Danielle looks up to our local singer Khalid, as well as other singers like Billie Elish and Ariana Grande for inspiration.

The songs were composed by her after she went through some difficult situations she did not know how to handle.

Danielle said, “Writing these songs helped me deal with the things I was going through.”

She has been singing since she was very little and has always loved to do so.

Lately, Danielle has attended song writing classes and will soon attend live performance classes that will help her grow as an artist.

Danielle’s parents have been very proud and supportive of her.

According to Danielle, recording and producing songs is very expensive, and her parents have made the sacrifices to make sure she pursues her dream.

This is a career that she sees herself in her life.

Danielle said, “I want to become someone who influences others to make the right choices.”

The night that she revealed to her friends the songs that were going to be published, they were at a sleep over, and their reactions were all very supportive and happy for her, according to Danielle.

Before the songs were published, she avoided telling people about them because she didn’t want people to make fun of her.

However, on the first day of school the Student Council surprised her by playing her song on the intercom, and everyone seemed to be very excited for her.

Danielle said, “I immediately turned red and embarrassed, but on the inside, I thought… This is my song.”

Danielle is a vivid example that dreams can be achieved and pursued at a very young age.