TEDx partners with UTEP

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Jimena Hallal, Reporter

  Over the past few years El Paso has teamed up with TEDx to have El Paso leaders and speakers present to the El Paso community.

    TEDx is a talk that was pictured after TED, an educational talk, but TEDx is a much smaller event and it is associated with TED.

    In the past years TEDx El Paso talks have been held in the Plaza, the Museum of Art, Alamo Drafthouse, Chamber of Commerce, and El Paso Community Foundation.

   This year, however, it is going to held at the University of Texas at El Paso, better known as UTEP.

    It is going to be held on February 2, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. and named TEDxUTEP.

    It will consist of talks that deal with the community both from live speakers and pre-recorded videos.

    In previous years great speakers, such as Beto O’rourke and many others, have participated in the talks.

    This year the speakers have yet to be announced but Danny Olivas, Ph.D., special adviser to the dean of UTEP’ College of Engineering and former NASA astronaut and Grammy Award-winning cellist Zuill Bailey have already agreed to speak at the event.

    The event planners hope that over 250 people will attend.

    The TEDx talks will bring out what is best in the El Paso community and it will show UTEP students what they can achieve after they graduate.