Lights, camera, spirit week!


Photo credit to Ana Solis.

Jimena Hallal, Reporter

On Monday, September 24, one of the most anticipated weeks at Loretto Academy began: Spirit Week.

Spirit week is the week where the Loretto Students get to show their school pride in hopes of winning enough spirit points as a class to win the title of Loretto queens.

The theme for this school year was movies, each classification got a different movie genre decided by the Student Council and the senior class.

The freshman got the category of cartoons, the sophomores got of horror movies, the juniors got superheroes and the seniors got musicals.

On Monday, each student was able to dress up as a male character from their distinct category.

Some students went as far as drawing facial hair on their chins to get a better effect.

On Tuesday the students were able to dress up as twins with their friends as a character from their category.

Despite its name, ‘Twin Tuesday’ did not necessarily mean that the characters had to be the exact same – they could be two friends, or family members.

On Wednesday, the classifications switched categories with one another.

The freshman dressed as musicals, the sophomores as cartoons, the juniors as horror films, and the seniors as superheroes.

On Thursday was Field Day, the day everyone had been anticipating, where the seniors won first place, the sophomores won second place, the juniors third, and the freshman fourth.

After the activity-filled day, the next day was ‘Oscar Friday’, where the classifications dressed up as movies that had won or been nominated for Oscars or Tony’s.

The seniors claimed victory on Friday afternoon when the results were announced.