Celebrating Lent

Although the pandemic halted many things, religion persevered. Loretto Academy’s Theology teacher, Adela Urias shares information on Lent at Loretto and Lent during a pandemic

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Although the pandemic halted many things, religion persevered. Loretto Academy’s Theology teacher, Adela Urias shares information on Lent at Loretto and Lent during a pandemic

Arissa Ramirez, Reporter

Lent is a vital time for religious persons, especially the Loretto community, and this year, Covid-19 has caused the religion department at Loretto Academy to shift their usual plans. 

Adela Urias, a Theology teacher at Loretto Academy said, “Last year, we only got to celebrate half of Lent in school and the other half on-line. The Theology teachers in high school and middle school shared with our classes videos about Lent, teachings, and bible readings.”

This year, teachings will be a bit different than last year, seeing as classes are held online and not in person.

Mrs. Urias said, “This year we all shared the same Nearpod presentation of Lent, with interactive activities. Then individually each theology teacher is encouraging their student to live out Lent in different ways.”

Mrs. Urias also shared some ways that individuals can celebrate Lent in a pandemic. 

Living a retreat is easy to do online, people can join a retreat from around the world with a simple search, or a simple call to a local parish can connect someone to a retreat. 

Going to confession is easy in a pandemic as well, some local churches are holding safe and easy confessions.

Doing an act of charity and making a sacrifice is as easy as ever and most impactful, from making a call to a nursing home to giving up a bad habit.

Individuals are called to pray the Stations of The Cross as a reminder of Jesus’ passion, pray the rosary (preferably the sorrowful mysteries), and read the Bible (preferably any of the Gospel writers, beginning with the Passion of Christ.)

“For me, the most important way to live the Lent is to be mindful of Jesus’ Passion for us, to be grateful, and to correspond to God’s love by doing something to get closer to God and our neighbors. Just don’t let it pass you unnoticed,” said Mrs. Urias. 

Aside from celebrating Lent in the Loretto community, individuals can celebrate Lent in the safeness and comfort of their home or safely in their Church.