Rising senioritis


Photo Courtesy of Renee Iñarritu.

Senior Renee Iñarritu is excited to wear her cap and gown. She poses outside the Loretto Academy gym during senior portraits day on January 8, 2021.

Isabela Baca, Class Sections Editor

According to the Oxford English Dictionary,  senioritis is an affliction experienced by those students who are in their last year of high school, which represents a decline in motivation and performance.

Also known as a “disease” that all high school seniors undergo.

Symptoms include feelings of non-caring, procrastination, stress, hopelessness, and of course plenty of panicking.

The only cure to senioritis is graduation, which is right around the corner.

Senior Aline Hernandez said, “Since I’ve already been accepted to the college I want to go, I feel like I don’t want anything else to do with school regarding homework and exams.”

Like Hernandez some other seniors are experiencing the same feeling, especially since the class of 2021 has had a different senior year from expected.

Senioritis has been quite different for the 2021 seniors, since from the beginning of the year, the majority knew things were going to be different.

Senior Maia De Leon said, “It’s not so much that I stop caring about school or that I stop doing my work.

“The way I’ve experienced senioritis is that I get frustrated a lot faster with school and I start to feel like the work I’m doing is a waste of my time but I think it’s because I’m just so anxious to do more with my life than be in highschool”

Every senior experiences senioritis in a different time, some have experienced it the entire school year while others are barely catching the feeling.

Simons said, “I think my senioritis hit in February, and I do believe that all seniors go through it.”

Seniors are not the only ones noticing their senioritis symptoms, some senior teachers start noticing the decline of performance in some of their students as well.

Mr. Sanchez said, “I start noticing student’s senioritis one week before spring break”

“I usually notice it on students who have already been accepted into college, and normally score high grades, because in the past they would complain about their grades, and when senioritis happens they no longer care.”

In such a small amount of time the girls from class of 2021 went from wearing a pink lanyard and running around the halls to thinking about their future, and selecting colleges.

Mindsets have changed on some girls from their freshman year to their senior year.

De Leon said, “I’m honestly quite proud that I made it through all of it because freshmen me didn’t believe I could, so it’s really surreal that it’s coming to an end so quickly.”

Time flies, but it always leaves a shadow of hard work and success.

Simons said, “I am excited to work hard in college and that is what is helping me continue to be motivated. 

“I do not want to get used to not doing anything and then make it a routine, and I would like to continue my hard work and learn more so that I will be able to manage and learn more in college”

Just like Simons majority of the class of 2021 is enthusiastic about their new chapter to come.

Although senioritis may hit hard at times, seniors are one step away from creating a new and bright future.