Unexpected prom reality


Photo Courtesy of Julieta Alarcon

The class of 2020 at Prom 2019, the last prom able to be held before the pandemic hit. The everlasting night will forever be remembered by the class of 2020 and 2019. Left to right: Alejandro Sapien, Julieta Alarcon, Cassandra Quintero, Ana Paola Aranzola, Liberato Aguilar.

Isabela Baca, Class Sections Editor

Prom is a symbolic, unique, and magical moment during highschool where girls get to wear beautiful dresses as they dance through the everlasting night.

Unfortunately, 2020’s prom was cancelled due to the pandemic, and this year’s prom is yet to be determined.

Not only the class of 2021 missed out organizing a prom, but the class of 2022 might as well.

Junior Sofia Sapien said, “I hope that we have a prom, because I think it’s something that everyone looks forward to in their high school years but mostly I hope that the seniors get to have a prom since a lot of their things have been cancelled.”

Students try to look forward to events and continue the Loretto traditions somehow.

Junior Paula Cardenas said, “I have always been looking forward to prom season but I fully understand the danger of this situation. 

“I just hope this pandemic won’t affect my senior year!”

Despite difficulties, the class of 2022, have continued the positive attitude towards the outcomes.

Junior head sponsor, Mrs. Kimpell said, My juniors are wonderful at making ‘lemonade out of lemons’  and will continue to do so.

Some juniors have been more concerned about the seniors missing out their last experiences on their high school chapter.

The seniors however, now have a different perspective towards missing out tradition and events.

Senior Orlyana Tantchou said, “It obviously sucks that we’re not able to do these infamous Loretto traditions, but, instead of focusing on that I like to focus on the positive.”

“Although these things are being canceled I’m glad we can keep our whole community safe.”

Safety comes first under any circumstance, however, some seniors believe an alternative for prom would help seniors along with juniors have something to look forward too.

Senior Mia Arellano said, “I think that it is important to stay hopeful that these hard times shall pass. 

“I do think that it would be nice if maybe the school could acknowledge that we haven’t been able to participate in these traditions and that times have been difficult.”

Tantchou also said, “I’m just hoping that we can find some way to maintain some of these traditions, even virtually.”

The coronavirus has cancelled or postponed several traditions, making the community take in consideration what matters, which is saving lives. 

Senior head sponsor, Ms. Franco said, “I feel very sad that seniors may not have their prom.”

“Prom is an established high school experience, but lives are much more important.”

“We as Catholics are brought up to value life and treating this virus casually and without caution just to have a few hours of fun is not worth it.”

The magic of traditions shall never end, and alternatives always come in the way.

Although skepticism appears in unexpected ways, technology is in everyone’s hands, opening Is choices and sparks of hope.