Incoming semester adventures


Photo Courtesy of Mr.Silva’s Middle School and High School weekly letter.

Ever since in-person school became possible, administration has been keeping a positive attitude. Following coronavirus regulations and staying six-feet-apart.

Isabela Baca, Class Sections Editor

The new semester came by in a blink of an eye as everyone is living the new virtual and distanced reality.

Whenever there are fresh starts, some people like to set goals for themselves, especially after a year that taught people to live in pause.

This spring semester the girls at Loretto Academy had the opportunity to continue doing school online or in-person.

Junior Mariana Murguia said, “At the beginning of the semester I made the decision alongside my parents to stay home, due to the number of cases of COVID.”

Although doing online has become a routine, and the desire to live out the real high school experience is still out there, some of the girls prefer staying safe at home. 

However, few of them have had the opportunity to experience the in-person learning this semester.

Freshman Roberta Iñarritu said, “I started in person this semester because you can have a better relationship with the teachers and get to know them better and try to get to know some new classmates.”

Despite learning differences, some girls have set goals for themselves and make this spring semester unique on its own.

Sophomore Natalia Reza said, “My goals for this year are to be able to help more people and grow more as a person”.

Some girls like Reza, have kept an idea of focusing on themselves and other people, meanwhile few girls have set goals academically for their future.

Murguia said, “This semester I would love to stay focused on school, and continue my college admissions process.”

Returning to what people considered normal is still a desire, however the 2020 fall semester taught the girls that they are capable of anything.

Iñaritu said, “Something that motivates me to continue this semester is that all can come back to normal in school so we can be all together.”

This past year was all about trials and errors, expectantly once again walking through the hallways returns to normal.

Despite the uncertainty and stumbles that students are experiencing, the Loretto magic shall never end, and the virtual community will stick together this semester as they have for the past.