Say What?

Isabela Baca, Class Sections Editor

2020 was a hard year for everyone however,  what did you learn about yourself and others?

Freshman: Rebecca Legarreta

“What I learned about myself was that even though it was a hard year, I had my loved ones by my side all the way and I learned to always be grateful for what I have. And also to help anyone that needs support or help when they need it.”

Freshman Rebecca Legarreta

Sophomore: Camila Corella

“I learned that we could all get through a pandemic together and that we are never alone. Also, this year I learned that even though we are going through a hard year I still had my family and my friends for support and they helped me get through it and I also learned a lot of things about myself that i didn’t even know about myself and God was always by my side

Sophomore Camila Corella

Junior: Amia Barrio

“Before all of this, I never really got involved with a lot of clubs and organizations but once I actually had time to dedicate to things that I care about, I became more involved. I started clubs with one of my friends and pursued leadership positions in organizations, and while I am not happy for the Coronavirus, I am proud of what I have been able to accomplish during this time. I learned that we can all be connected through technology and while it is not the same as being around each other in person, I have still been able to stay connected to the people that truly care about me.”


Junior Amia Barrio

Senior: Isabella Fernandez

“2020 was one of the hardest years we have ever lived. We experienced loss, solidarity and pain. Through this experience with the help of my parents I never lost hope. This year taught me very valuable lessons that I can use in my everyday life. This year helped me see the importance of family and how with family my life is complete. I also learned the importance of health and how we should appreciate the simple things in life like walking up and being able to walk, breath and touch. For my family this year was very different due to the fact that we experienced having COVID. With COVID I was able to appreciate physical touch, during my time with covid I was isolated from my family and friends and all I wanted to do was go and hug my loved ones. This year taught me very valuable lessons that I will apply and cherish for many years that come.”


Senior Isabella Fernadez