New NHS chapter; opportunities in a pandemic

NHS representatives Valencia Rivera-Quevedo (left) and Giselle Yoshimoto (right) are optimistic for what is to come for the club this year. Their great leadership and positivity brings joy to the community.

Photos courtesy of Valencia Rivera-Quevedo and Giselle Yoshimoto.

NHS representatives Valencia Rivera-Quevedo (left) and Giselle Yoshimoto (right) are optimistic for what is to come for the club this year. Their great leadership and positivity brings joy to the community.

Isabela Baca, Class Sections Editor

Being part of the National Honor Society (NHS) requires a standard excellence, service, character and leadership.

NHS is a nationwide organization for high school students that consists of four values; scholarship, service, leadership, and character.

This year NHS elections were held via Zoom on November 3 with student activities director Mrs. Helen Martinez.

Members running for president and vice-president wrote a speech, from which the other members voted on.

This year representatives are seniors Valencia Rivera-Quevedo as president and Giselle Yoshimoto as vice president.

Rivera-Quevedo said, “I am so excited to be given the opportunity to represent such a wonderful group of girls.

 I feel like together we will be able to help so many people who are in need, especially with COVID and the current circumstances of the world”.

Keeping an active community, especially during times of coronavirus is tough, however both representatives are excited for this new NHS chapter.

Yoshimoto said, “This year especially, after everything that’s happened with COVID and not being able to go to school, I’m really excited to work with everyone in NHS. 

I’m so blessed to have been given this leadership opportunity and I hope to motivate all the members to get active in our community.”

The representatives have to plan several service activities in order to help other members complete the hours required.

This year’s first service project is sending “Pen Pal” cards to Del Sol hospital, for people who aren’t able to be with their families during the holidays this year.

Both president and vice-president have a caring sense towards the other members and their community.

Yoshimoto said, “ I believe that together we can make a positive change in their lives. 

That’s what I love about NHS, we’re focused on the betterment of the community.”

Rivera-Quevedo said, “It will be wonderful to see the change and help we can bring to those who need it the most!”

It’s beautiful to see how a pandemic won’t stop them from helping people in need, and how service traditions will never end.