Most stressful time; finals week


Photo Courtesy of NEWS3

As finals week approaches, students fill the books and coffee cups. For seniors, this will be their last first semester high school finals.

Cristina Robles, Loretto News Editor

Stress, coffee, and lots of studying is what made up Loretto Academy’s finals week but now that Loretto switched to online learning, this week will look a little different. 

Finals week always falls on the week before Christmas break and it will remain that way this year. 

Finals will start on Monday 14, 2020 and students will have finals Monday through Thursday and on Friday short homeroom and early release. 

Each day will have two finals and students will only attend the classes in which they have finals. 

What is different about finals week this year is that teachers will be able to conduct their finals as they please whether it is a project, a paper, or a test. 

Mary Anne Olivas, Loretto Academy Assistant Principal said, “Each teacher will come up with a way to assess the instruction and learning that took place this semester, they are the best at figuring out which would be most effective.” 

Many teachers like Ms. Franco have replaced the standard final test with a research paper. 

However, many teachers have not given a definite answer to how they will conduct their final this year.

Junior Andrea Carranco said, “As of right now my teacher hasn’t mentioned anything about how finals will work this year so that’s stressful.”

As both teachers and students try to brace themselves for finals week what will happen is uncertain.