Zooming through senior year


Photo Courtesy of Diana Laura Perez

The moms of the Class of 2021 placed a “Congratulations Loretto Senior ℅ 2021” sign the day seniors picked up their books. This made some seniors feel special to begin their last year at Loretto.

Isabela Baca, Class Sections Editor

Class of 2021 is experiencing a different final year of high school than expected, ending their junior year online, and starting their last chapter at Loretto Academy online due to the pandemic.

Seniors are not only missing out on traditions, but have to deal with online school work, college applications, and with social isolation.

Senior Analia Cortez said, “Everyone is part of this historical event, but I think the Class of 2021 is a huge part of what is going to go on because we started our school year with COVID, and there is a possibility we could end our year with COVID”.

Sitting in front of a computer screen is quite a challenge for everyone, and seniors are having a hard time to stay motivated at school.

Amanda Torres said, “My senior year has been quite a challenge, I’ve been really struggling to stay motivated and driven.”

Senior year has been stressful for the Class of 2021, since their expectations towards their senior year was something to look forward to.

Especially towards the Loretto traditions, such as their last field day, Ring Rose, and Big Sister/Little Sister picnic.

Karen Nevarez said,  “Since I have only been at Loretto for less than a year, it makes me pretty nostalgic not being able to live all the traditions every Loretto girl has experienced.

“For example, everyone knows how epic is field day. I was looking forward to having a senior field day but then covid struck.” 

However, the senior class has been trying to have a positive mindset.

Some students have kept in mind to trust in God, and follow what the Loretto Community has taught them throughout their past three years. 

Chloe Trujillo said, “There will be light at the other end of the tunnel- this year has been tough but at the end of the day all we can do is thank God for another day of life and pray for the safety and health of our loved ones.”

Class of 2021 is a class to remember in the history books, it might not be the experience they expected, but hard situations have made them come closer in heart.