Until next year!
May 17, 2020
My junior year was filled with great memories, and the most prevalent ones happened in Mrs. Lockhart’s classroom for journalism.
I remember entering her room and searching for any other junior who decided to enroll in the class.
When Mrs. Lockhart gave us her speech of what she expected out of us for the class, I was intimidated to say the least.
I used to be more of an extrovert and talking to strangers was easy for me, but I then changed into somewhat of an ambivert and the task was more complicated.
However, Mrs. Lockhart’s assignments turned me into an extrovert once again for the task.
I remember being in Denny’s at 5:00 am doing an assignment for her class.
I had to interview the workers and clients, something that I was extremely nervous for.
Once I got over that assignment, the rest of the assignments that required me to interview people became easier.
Being the sports editor made me more responsible.
I had to be on top of stories all of the time and make sure to get stories done on time.
Time management, which used to be my nemesis, turned into my frenemy, and that’s an improvement.
Mrs. Lockhart pushed every single one of us to give our best effort.
Her class was such a rigorous course that it felt as if I was taking two AP English courses.
However, I am eternally grateful for her class and all that it had taught me.
I can’t wait for my senior year to come and to join journalism again.
Until next year!