Keeping hopes high with class of 2020

The class of 2020 sits to form their graduating year at their senior retreat. The seniors have been attending online school in place of attending on campus. Photo courtesy of the Loretto Academy Instagram.

The class of 2020 sits to form their graduating year at their senior retreat. The seniors have been attending online school in place of attending on campus. Photo courtesy of the Loretto Academy Instagram.

Sybonae Acosta, Class Sections Editor

The coronavirus has come with various repercussions that have left the people around the globe in a state of confusion — some of those being the senior class of Loretto Academy.

The senior class of Loretto Academy has been coping with having to end their high school career online and off campus.

Senior Kaylyn Rickerson said, “My thoughts on the coronavirus are that I never knew it would get this bad to changing everyone’s lives. 

“One minute you’re enjoying your life with your friends and being able to be out in the world with no fear, and the next, this pandemic appears and starts decreasing our population.

“It really impacted the rest of the school year; us seniors have worked so hard to where we are right now to be able to experience different Loretto traditions. 

“Now it’s either all gone or moved to a later date, in which many will already be off to college. 

“It is heartbreaking that we never got to say goodbye to our sisters.”

The traditions that Loretto Academy has instituted for the various decades are now up in air while the pandemic dies down.

Senior Valentina Ortega said, “I think that this is very sad, especially because these were supposed to be our last moments to enjoy being with our classmates for the last time. 

“Also, it has caused a lot of events like Ring Rose to cancel, and I know how much we were all excited for that.”

The decision to reopen school is still tentative, and whether the seniors will have the opportunity to complete their Loretto traditions are still up in the air.

As the students carry on through the school year, let them keep their prayers up in hopes of finding a cure to COVID-19.