Seniors in charity

Azalea Esquivel-Reyes, Class Sections Editor

Loretto has instilled in its students the importance of charity and giving back to the community.

Recently, El Paso has been receiving many immigrants and it has become difficult for El Paso’s immigration center to provide the necessary products for them.

The El Paso community has been asked to help and donate as many products as possible in order to provide for the immigrants.

Loretto seniors have already taken a step forward to help the El Paso community; and now even more since it is lent season.

A particular senior religion class, led by Ms. Cortez, had a special lent resolution; donate as many products to the asylum facilities to help the immigrants.

The religion class planned on bringing as many items of clothing, hygiene products, toys, and food.

Loretto senior Karla Medina said “I thought it was a nice lent resolution for my class to have.”

“It is important to help the people in need.”

Ms. Cortez collects the products and takes them to Nazareth Hall, which is known to take care of immigrants.

Through the actions of this religion class here at Loretto, we can see how much the students value helping out the community when it is in need.