Ms. Franco helps with donations

Ambar Guajardo, Reporter

Recently, hundreds of immigrants have arrived to many refugee houses.

Ms. Franco, an English and Religion teacher, is collecting donations for all the immigrants who have been arriving to the new refugee houses.

Ms. Franco and the volunteers have collected food, breakfast and lunch items, bread, clothing along with Mrs. Cortez, and emergency toiletry kits.

These donations go to Nazareth Hall, Rescue Mission of El Paso and to the Center of Sexual and Family Violence as well.

Ms. Franco said, “I feel like it’s the Christian thing to do to help people who are seeking asylum, we don’t know what kind of horrible things they are running from, I’m sure they would just love to be able to stay in their own homes and not have to travel thousands of miles for safety.

And the fact that people want to turn them away made me angry, so I turned my anger into love and collected stuff for them.”

The immigrants stay in these refugee houses while their relatives buy them bus or plane tickets to their final destination.

For these trips, they need snacks, water, and other goods we can all donate.