Loretto celebrates Día de los Muertos

Photo courtesy of Señora Camacho.

Celia Escobar, Loretto News Editor

The Day of the Dead, also known as Día de los Muertos, is a beautiful holiday celebrated throughout Central and South America designed to honor those who have died.

Celebrated from October 31 to November 2, Loretto Academy every year goes the extra mile to celebrate loved ones who have passed by putting together altars all along the front hallway of the high school.

All the Spanish classes at Loretto, taught by Señora Camacho and Señora Gonzalez, come together to create beautiful altars every year for a loved one of their choice.

This year, some family members were displayed alongside celebrities like Michael Jackson and Juan Gabriel, as well as members of our own Loretto community like Mr. Hall.

These altars, or ofrendas, have long been a tradition at not only Loretto, but in households all across Mexico, and have been apart of the Mexican culture for as long as 3,000 years.

They display things such as the candles, candies, flowers, photos, fruit, pan de muertos, and other things the person being honored enjoyed.

Señora Gonzalez, teacher of the fluent Spanish courses, said, “It’s part of our tradition and I feel that we need to maintain our Hispanic roots, and the girls usually get into the setting”.

The love demonstrated for the deceased is something so special in the Mexican culture, and is seen in just one of the many traditions Loretto Academy has.