Say What?
What is your Lenten promise? What was your motive for choosing this?
February 13, 2023
Freshman: Iskra Salas

“My Lenten promise is to run every day afterschool to gain endurance, stamina, and consistency. I need to accomplish this goal in order to prepare for the next season of cross country.”
Sophomore: Rebecca Perez-Gonzalez

“My Lenten promise is that I’m trying to be better at being kind and accepting towards others. I chose this because I feel like it’s easy to ostracize others and exclude them from things; However, I don’t want that to be the kind of person that others think I am. So, I’m trying to be more kind and accepting!”
Junior: Monica Annabi

“My Lenten promise this year is to have more motivation. I realized that not being motivated to do certain things put me in a position that I ended up regretting. By showing more motivation, I am able to achieve daily goals and give up being lazy. Following through with this promise encourages me to be more active, not only in school but in the church community as well.”
Senior: Andrea Vazquez

“For Lent, I’m giving up procrastinating because it’s not a good thing for me. It affects the way I do in school, so I’m not allowing myself to put my best effort forward. Doing this will encourage me to reject temptation and focus on what’s important in life.”