Changes in leadership at Loretto Academy

Ms. Rosie Sandoval (left) and Ms. Patricia Martinez (right) prepare to take on new responsibilities while Loretto’s Principal, Mr. Homero Silva, is absent. Ms. Sandoval will become Assistant Dean of Students and Ms. Martinez will be Interim Principal. Photo courtesy of Loretto Academy
October 28, 2022
Loretto Academy students began their fall semester on August 5 under the leadership of Principal Mr. Homero Silva and President Ms. Nicole Cobb.
Since the beginning of the school year, new and returning Loretto students have enjoyed numerous opportunities to showcase their school spirit through various bonding activities.
Through these special traditions and events, the Loretto community unites to promote the Four Core Values of Faith, Community, Justice, and Respect.
Now, it is time for the Loretto community to come together and show support for Mr. Silva, who is recovering from surgery to correct complications from his past cancer treatment.
As the Loretto community continues to keep Mr. Silva in their thoughts and prayers, they prepare for new administrators to fill the positions of Principal and Dean of Students.
Ms. Patricia Martinez, formerly Loretto’s Dean of Students, will assume the role of Interim Principal.
Ms. Martinez is a Loretto alumnae and has been an educator for over 34 years.
She has worked closely with Mr. Silva and will continue to advise and support Loretto students throughout the school year.
Additionally, Loretto is welcoming back former Counselor Ms. Rosie Sandoval to assume the role of Assistant Dean of Students.
Ms. Sandoval is also a Loretto alumnae and has been an educator for over 40 years.
Loretto’s new administration is committed to improving student life on and off campus.
The strong women at the forefront of the school have remodeled several policies to create an inclusive, stimulating environment that empowers their students on a daily basis.
Ms. Martinez
What does a successful school year look like to you?
“A successful school year looks healthy with many meaningful opportunities for learning experiences, growing relationships, and time for discovering the best version of ourselves. It seems that every school year is busy with school events and lots of studying, but it is always so important to dedicate time for daily prayer and building our relationship with God.”
What do you believe is your most important contribution to the daily operations of Loretto?
“I support our Loretto students and teachers by being present and available daily. It is vital that our students know that I am listening and advocating for them as I am here to serve them specifically… I understand the importance of my role in promoting the Loretto Academy core values of Faith, Respect, Justice, and Community and the traditions that have been celebrated for years making Loretto, Loretto.”
If you could describe an effective school principal in just three words, what would they be?
“Compassionate, visionary, committed.”
How has the transition been from dean to principal?
“Our principal, Mr. Homero Silva, has been a strong leader for our school community for many years now, and I continue to support his directives and his beliefs in his absence as he heals. With the support of others, I am blessed that I have been able to serve Loretto in both capacities during his absence and have discovered that both positions are vital for supporting students in various facets…The transition has been an exciting experience for me as God has placed me here to serve Loretto Academy and has provided me with an opportunity to grow professionally.”
What disciplinary measures are in place this year that are different from previous years?
“From what I can remember as a Loretto graduate from long ago, the student expectations are basically the same. We were to be respectful, responsible, honest, diligent, modest, and leaders just to mention a few traits. Of course, these traits are still expected today. With technology, for instance, disciplinary measures have had to be created to keep up with the times. When I was a student, we did not have cell phones or other technological devices to distract or to entertain. Yet, technology has been a wonderful tool for learning and has allowed us to create different products for assessment…Students can also find answers for almost anything on the Internet and copy instead of learning the concepts on their own. It is unfortunate that students do not understand that when they make these choices, they are only cheating themselves. Academic Dishonesty is a major area of concern having severe consequences as compared to previous years.”
What was your favorite memory at Loretto as a student, and how will you make it just as special now?
“I have many memories as a Loretto student, but my favorite would have to be my involvement with Orchesis for the four years that I attended Loretto Academy. I remember that dance tryouts were a really big thing, and over a hundred girls tried out when I was a freshman. I was one of the lucky twelve that was chosen that year, and we did what we loved the most. Dance! We lived in the dance studio! In those days, we danced ballet, tap, and jazz. Orchesis also supported the annual school musical productions by being in the chorus, the annual Senior Play, and performed Broadway musicals as our dance recital such as West Side Story on our gym stage…We traveled to Dallas each summer for dance camps and went to local plays and Broadway musicals together. We were very close friends as we spent so much time together doing what we loved. Loretto currently has a variety of clubs. My hope for our students is that they can find a special interest, a club, or an organization at Loretto that they love and that they find worthwhile. When you find what you love, everything just falls into place, can bring much happiness, and makes all the difference.”
Ms. Martinez is dedicated to making Loretto a safe space for students to connect with one another while promoting accountability and integrity.
Ms. Sandoval
How does it feel to be back at Loretto Academy?
“Going up the steps of Loretto Academy leading up to the foyer always brings back fond memories as a former employee and alumnae of this school.”
What do you believe the role of Assistant Dean of Students is?
“My role, as the Assistant Dean of Students, is to maintain a safe and orderly environment. As a member of the administrative team, I provide support to the students, teachers, and staff by addressing disciplinary and academic issues. There are natural consequences to the choices or decisions a student makes.”
What do you hope to accomplish in this role?
“My approach is to assist the students in facing the consequences of their behavior. When a student is cited for an infraction and accepts responsibility for the behavior, positive changes and growth can occur. My hope is not to be seen solely as a disciplinarian but more so as a member of a loving community where I can guide, support, respect, and most importantly, ensure the safety and well-being of the students at Loretto Academy.”
Ms. Sandoval is energized to be back on her old stomping grounds as she guides students on the right path away from failure and disrespectful behavior.
These two women have graciously stepped into these roles to make Loretto as charming as it was when they walked the halls.
There is no doubt that under the guidance of Ms. Martinez and Ms. Sandoval, Loretto will continue to grow its tradition of excellence for years to come.