Loretto Academy is a school based on the foundations of sisterhood and respect, which is what was expressed by every girl during Field Day, 2024.
Field Day is a tradition that is looked forward to every year because of its ability to bring students together through games and activities that demonstrate teamwork and bonding.
This day is historical for its praising of the freshman, uniting of the upperclassmen, and its reassurance for any uncertain sophomores.
The competition was won by the seniors in a landslide of points due to their choreographed dance that had been perfected weeks in advance, with songs from every decade, that kept every grade level on their feet.
Though nearly every senior class had won in previous years, it was still a shock to every class level to witness the seniors victorious.

Let the Games Begin
The Loretto girls gathered in the gym to get assigned their groups and to be assorted alphabetically; they were then moved to their designated game.
The students began with flag football, where students struggled to get past each other out of fear of being caught.
After this activity was the infamous game of tug of war that was newly designed to have a clean pool of water for the defeated to splash in, rather than a muddy puddle.
The relay races were next in line, which occupied the majority of the athletics participating in the yearly tradition.
Lastly, was a paintball-dodgeball game that left students soaked in blue from each competitive match.
In the afternoon, people were selected for different competitions, but the Loretto Athletic Association did not disappoint when the sponsors were brought up on stage.
It was noticeable that Mr. Nieto was struggling to keep up with Dr. Benevides and his impressive capability to rushingly eat a tray of wings before his coworkers.
The competitions became far more entertaining because of the enthusiasm from the crowd’s overpowering yelling and screaming, cheering on their teachers and fellow classmates.

League of Angels
The newest tradition on this special day was the introduction of a court for the upcoming homecoming,
This year, Brianna Farrish had the pleasure of being named the Angel for her senior class.
Brianna said, “I feel very honored to be voted the Homecoming Archangel. I really hope I was able to properly represent my senior class.”
Field Day 2024, ultimately proved to be nothing less than a success and will be a great event to be looked forward to current and future Loretto Academy students.