Orchesis’ last dance

The orchesis team posing together for a picture. They recently performed their last dance of the school year. Photo courtesy of Caitlin Mijares.
May 19, 2023
Orchesis performed on May 5, 2023, at Loretto’s gym.
Some songs that were chosen were “Perfect” by Pink, “Venus Flytrap” by Marina, and “Confidence” by Demi Lovato.
Loretto junior and orchesis vice president Angélica Castorena said, “The songs that we selected this year were all sung by women, such as the song “Perfect” by Pink, to follow a strong theme of empowerment.”
She was correct, as you could feel the atmosphere of women taking control of their lives and putting themselves first.
Seeing as this was the last performance for the seniors made this performance a bit emotional for the performers.
Loretto senior and Orchesis president Caitlin Mijares said, “I was honestly more focused on making sure everything went smoothly than on the fact that it was my last performance.”
However, it did hit me that it was the last one right before we performed.
All I have else to add is that I’m definitely going to miss Orchesis and dancing but I’m excited to see what the girls do next year.”
The bond between these girls was eye-catching, especially in the way they danced.
Mijares said, “This year it’s been stressful but super fun.”
I feel like all of us are really close, so we were able to have a good time.”
I had a fun time watching these girls perform and dance their hearts out and I encourage everyone to try and make time to support orchesis.