Spring blood drive

Vitalant is a regular sponsor of Loretto’s Blood Drive. Their goal is to save and improve lives by blood donation. Photo courtesy of Vitalant.
March 31, 2023
Loretto’s blood drive will be held on Thursday, March 23, 2023 in the Loretto gym from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
NHS members are responsible to gather three volunteers to participate in the blood drive.
Loretto senior and NHS member Raquel Landin said, “There’s not enough blood in the community, especially for those who need it and for medications that need blood.”
Vitalant will provide their services and handle the donations, as they have been doing every year.
Loretto senior and NHS president Anette Valdes said, “Usually we host two blood drives per semester, with the Fall Blood Drive being the most successful as students and prospective donors are most eager at this time to give and partake.”
Snacks and beverages are given to volunteers after they donate, so they have a moment to recuperate before heading back to their activities.
Valdes said, “We were able to host over 100 prospective donors in our Loretto gym.
I believe our community participation from all around the school made this achievable, as everyone’s hard work and commitment are necessary for its victory.”
The purpose of the blood drive is to give back to the community and to those who are in need of the donations, and hope that future generations will continue this tradition to aid our community.