Loretto senior retreat: Better together

The Class of 2023 takes the annual retreat picture at the end of their stay. The retreat is an opportunity for the class to bond and reminisce over memories from the past few years. Photo courtesy of Mia White.
March 31, 2023
The senior retreat is one of Loretto’s most beloved traditions that unites the girls as a class one last time before they walk their separate ways.
The Holy Cross Retreat Center in Mesilla Park, NM hosted 2023’s class of one hundred girls for a three-day stay from February 22-24.
Prior to the retreat, students had the opportunity to select two roommates during long homeroom.
This annual tradition allows students to disconnect from the outside world and focus on being in the moment with their own self-reflecting.
Loretto senior Sara Sandoval said, “I had a great experience at the retreat and I loved being able to spend so much time with all of my classmates.
We were drawn closer because we all felt comfortable with each other and by participating, we all had a lot of fun.
We were drawn closer to God by understanding that he is a part of all of our lives and he will always be present to support us and guide us.
The retreat allowed us to realize the importance of our relationships.”
The retreat did not stray away from reinforcing Loretto’s four core values of Faith, Community, Justice, and Respect.
Though many activities cannot be disclosed to lower classmen, the message is strong across the board to cherish this time with your class and reflect on the last four years spent together.
The Lenten season was not neglected throughout the retreat and meal changes were made to accommodate that, as well as give students time to repent in the chapel.
Loretto senior Ancamila Anaya said, “My experience at the retreat was very positive and honestly an eye opener.
The time I spent isolated from the outside world made me realize I have so much to be grateful for.
I will make a stronger effort to cherish the little moments in life that I have because I never know when the ‘last time’ will be.
I strengthened my bond with God and learned more about myself through reflection.”
This is an opportunity to reconnect with one’s faith, reflect on one’s behavior, and reiterate the sense of community in the class.
The senior retreat is an event that seniors would not want to miss because it builds the sisterhood that the Sisters of Loretto intended when they founded the Academy.