Relief for Pakistan

The image shows the flooding in Hyderabad, Pakistan, in July 2022. Loretto Academy raised money to help those affected. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock
December 7, 2022
On June 14, millions of people in Pakistan were affected by deadly flooding due to torrential monsoon rain.
Flooding depth rose to an estimated 11 ft, destroying 372,823 buildings including and washing away villages.
Over 1,700 people died and 7.9 million people are now displaced.
Seven million women and children are in need of immediate access to safe drinking water and urgent health services.
Donations for Pakistan were collected at an All Academy Mass on November 1.
In the weekly newsletter, Loretto Interim Principal Patricia Martinez said, “Your donations will go directly to the Loretto Motherhouse and be sent to Pakistan.
Thank you for your generosity.
It will make a difference in the lives of our sisters and brothers in Pakistan who are suffering from food insecurity and waterborne diseases as a result of the flooding.”
Loretto raised a total of $1,382 for the victims affected by the floods in Pakistan.