A run like nun other

The logo for the Nun Run shows a nun running the race. This logo has been used for many Nun Runs. Photo courtesy of Nun Run for the Sisters of Loretto in Pakistan.
December 7, 2022
Loretto’s annual Nun Run has been a part of the school for many years, raising money for the Sisters of Loretto in Pakistan.
The Nun Run is a service learning project that is organized by the senior class.
Once the school year started, meetings were set with class officers to figure out the committees.
Senior class president Mia White said, “When the school year started, that’s when we had to have our senior class meetings with the officers to figure out the committees.
That came down to making goody bags, planning the route, and finding sponsors.
It’s very important for us to talk about these things so that everyone is on the same page.”
The committees include t-shirts, goody bags, routes, money management, and marketing.
This year’s Nun Run will be on February 4, 2023, at 9 a.m.
The race will be in person, but anyone who can’t attend can sign up for the virtual Nun Run.
Early registration is $25 and ends on Jan. 29, 2023, and late registration is $30 and starts on Jan. 30, 2023.
An award will be given to the 1st place overall male or female runner.
All proceeds will go to St. Anthony School in Lahore, Pakistan, and the senior class hopes to aid in their efforts to continue the Loretto tradition.