Kicking off spring sports

Photo courtesy of Natalia Gallardo

The 2019-2020 Loretto soccer team. The team is at Mountain View High School celebrating their win against Mountain View.

Natalia Valenzuela, Reporter

There is no time to wait and the spring season sports teams are beginning to practice. 

Soccer and basketball are two of the many sports taking place in the spring.

Both of these sports involve contact, which could prove to be difficult with the COVID-19 epidemic.

“I am excited to see how this season is going to pan out and how I am going to play, even though there are a lot of different rules and ways of doing things now.” said senior varsity basketball player, Amaryia Atkins. 

Freshman varsity soccer player, Sophia Merjil,  said “For my first year of high school and varsity soccer, this is definitely not what I envisioned, but I know that my team and I will make the most out of it for a memorable season.” 

Both teams’ games will start the first few weeks of January with safety precautions and regulations for the city at the time being. 

These safety precautions include temperature checks and confirmation that the athletes haven’t had symptoms recently.

 As of now, “Soccer games won’t be till after thanksgiving. We as ADs have not even started assigning games and basketball will be finished early next year.” said athletic director, Ms. Angela Glover.  

We look forward to and wish them the best of luck as both soccer and basketball come into their seasons in the spring.