End of year, end of drama club

Poster for the past and last Loretto play Bloody Murder. This was the last time seniors performed on a high school stage without them knowing it was their last one. Photo courtesy of Bonnie Abbott.

Julieta Alarcon, Entertainment Editor

After months of preparation, the cast of the Loretto production Leader of the Pack had to cancel the play so suddenly.

Seniors in the club had been working hard throughout the years to make the best productions.

Senior Lily Schow said, “Drama club is awesome, it was the best thing I did in high school.

“It really helps you to meet everyone in the school, from middle school to the seniors.”

And now, seniors are sad to announce that their last performance was canceled.

The play Leader of the Pack was to go live in the beginning of April, but no one expected to leave school for the rest of the school year.

Seniors participating in the club are the most heartbroken because their last performance on a high school stage was called off.

Schow said, “The play being canceled is sad because of all the work everyone put in, but under the circumstances there’s not a ton we can do about it.”

Hopefully next year we will see future seniors, juniors, sophomores, freshmen, and middle-schoolers honoring the graduating class of 2020 in their plays.