Loretto swim team competes while sick
Loretto swim team after they won first place at Regionals. Some students got sick afterwards, coming back to school sick. Photo courtesy of Celeste Hirschi.
February 7, 2020
This past week, Loretto’s swim team competed at Regionals, winning first at the end.
Their celebrations came to a quick end when almost half of the team contracted the contagious influenza virus.
During the week, student swimmers Celeste Hirschi, Lauren Barajas, Analia Cortez, and Charlotte Schow got sick and competed as well.
Celeste Hirschi said, “I couldn’t get through one lap without coughing, and my coach told me to take it easy during my hardest events, but I ended up winning anyways.”
As the small pandemic between the team left them swimming with the sniffles, they nevertheless overcame and took first place at Regionals.