Robb Holladay speaks about dangers of vaping

Holladay poses comically in front of a glass door. He has presented against vaping across the nation. Photo courtesy of

Holladay poses comically in front of a glass door. He has presented against vaping across the nation. Photo courtesy of

Melina Olivas and Iliana Moreno

On September 23, Robb Holladay spoke to the Loretto Academy Middle and High School about the dangers of vaping.

He is a speaker for High Voltage Talks; he has been on CNN, ABC, and Fox News; and he has experience in the medical field.

Holladay spoke at Loretto Academy to demonstrate the dangers of smoking at a young age in an interactive presentation.

“The potential ban on flavored vape products will help some, but it’s not going to go the distance,” said Holladay.

Holladay said, “The new law raising the smoking age to 21 won’t change a whole lot. 

“Kids [children] were able to get their hands on vapes, and they’re still going to be able to get their hands on them if they try hard enough.”

He intends to add more to his presentation about marijuana in the future; however, he briefly touched on it in his presentation.

“The reason we’re seeing this sudden increase in death linked to vaping is that they [children that have died recently] have THC [the principal psychoactive in marijuana] in their systems. 

“It’s also a combination of the liquid that you’re vaping and the aerosol it turns into in your lungs that’s making all this happen so much faster than it did with normal cigarettes,” said Holladay.

Loretto Academy is thankful that Holladay was able to provide information on this important epidemic.