Angels’ Dance

Photo courtesy of Isabela Martinez.

Isabela Martinez, Reporter

What better way to celebrate Valentines Day than with the people that we love the most?

Through music, dance, and most importantly, love, it is always a great opportunity take a chance and try something new, such as Loretto Academys Valentines Day Dance on February 23, 2019.

The dance was held at Loretto Academys gymnasium, where it was decorated with red and pink shaped hearts as well as red roses.

It was an opportunity to earn money for clothes or food or other necessities that immigrants need in order to survive.

Regina Deandar, president of the senior class, said, I think it is a generous offer from the committee to take the opportunity to help those who are in need right now.

I also appreciate that we all each other outside of school and be with my Loretto sisters before we graduate this year.

Loretto Academy did an outstanding job in creating a wonderful experience for all classes to unite in one night, beside it being prom or homecoming.

Isabella Aguirre-Flores, Loretto freshman, said, It was an amazing experience and it was great to be with my friends.

Valentines Day could not have been celebrated any better way than to be with the people that are most loving.

It was a feel good experience that all the hard work and effort was not only for ones own benefit, but for the advantage of helping others, and was produced by Lorettos little angels!