Senior scholar Anna Gonzalez
Anna Gonzalez, Loretto seniorand recipient of the Texas Tech Presidential Scholarship. Photo courtesy of Loretto Academy.
December 17, 2018
Anna Gonzalez, a senior at Loretto Academy, was awarded a scholarship from Texas Tech University, on November 12, 2018.
Anna Gonzalez has been given the honor, if she so chooses, to attend Texas Tech University, with the Texas Tech Presidental Scholarship.
In 2015, the Presidential Scholarship program was extended to recognize students who demonstrate immense accomplishment in both career and technical education fields.
Recipients of the Presidential Scholarship, like Anna Gonzalez, must maintain a culmative GPA of at least a 3.6 in addition to completing 24 hours of course work per semester for the entirety of the year.
Each year, up to 161 students are named as recipients of Presidential Scholars.
Anna Gonzalez’s Presidential Scholarship from Texas Tech University totaled to $26,000.
The Presidential Scholarship of a university is considered to be one of the nation’s highest honors a high school student could possibly receive.
Anna Gonzalez said “It was super exciting and I cant wait to see what the future holds.”
Anna Gonzalez continues to gain scholarship recognition in her search for her forever college.