Goodbye, good luck

Allyn Ransone, Co-Editor-in-Chief


As the year draws to a close I’d like to thank everyone on the Prax staff for an amazing year.

At the beginning of this school year, my schedule was redone and I was put into the journalism class.

I had had some interest in journalism before but never thought of myself as a journalist.

I joined the class a week late and I immediately felt behind, but I worked hard and caught up to where I was supposed to be.

I enjoyed coming to journalism and it soon became one of my favorite classes, so when it came time to apply for positions, I applied to be the editor-in-chief.

When Mrs. Lockhart announced who the editors would be I was pleased and ready to take on the required work.

I had the honor of working with some of my closest friends Mia Badillo and Orlyanka Tantchou as Co-Editors-in-Chief.

I will always remember our budget meetings trying to come up with the perfect stories that would capture what was going on in the world, but also at Loretto.

The Prax helped me to improve my writing skills, but also to expand my knowledge of the world around me.

For every current events quiz, I would try, unsuccessfully most times, to get all 10 questions correct.  

I learned so much about the world with everything from how a virus mutates to how foreign affairs play a big role during an invasion of another country.

I want to thank my fellow Prax writers for always being open to new ideas in their stories.

To my co-editors-in-chief, I cannot thank you enough for the support you provided me with this year and for working tirelessly to ensure we had the best product when it came time to publish.

Finally, I would like to thank Mrs. Lockhart.

Thank you for listening to my endless questions about the stories and for editing my stories to ensure each article was perfect.

Your guidance has immensely helped my writing and I am unable to thank you properly for that.

As this is our last issue I want to wish next year’s Prax team good luck, I know you will all do amazing.