Reactions to Zoom

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Melina Olivas, Loretto News Co-Editor

The incorporation of Zoom into the daily lives of students has changed the way learning is taking place.

Teachers are frustrated with the app that they are unfamiliar with.

Students are frustrated with the fact that they have to learn from home. 

The learning environment is different, to say the least.

People are stressed with the fact that they have to work in an environment that used to be just for relaxation.

Senior Abigail Eudave said, “I think Zoom meetings let us connect with our classes and teachers and give us the chance to see each other’s faces again.

“However, the online classes are a bit difficult because it’s harder to stay focused and it’s harder to keep up with the schedule without a bell.”

Students and teachers alike seek peace of mind and some form of routine during this time of confusion.