Ash Wednesday

We celebrate Ash Wednesday by adorning ashes from palms from last Palm Sunday on our foreheads. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

We celebrate Ash Wednesday by adorning ashes from palms from last Palm Sunday on our foreheads. Photo courtesy of Shutterstock

Melina Olivas, Loretto News Co-Editor

Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, is always a fun time where people get to enjoy what they won’t be able to during Lent.

Ash Wednesday, however, is far more important.

This year, Ash Wednesday was on February 26.

This is a time to reflect on the good things we can do for others and the things that we can give up to strengthen our faith and mental state.

Ash Wednesday is the day in which we transition into Lent for the following 40 days and think back on what our spirituality means and the things that Christ has done for us. 

Loretto Academy celebrated this season with an all-academy Mass, strengthening the core value of community.