Seniors in solidarity


Loretto seniors Anna Gonzalez, Ava Moreno, and Dinorah Martell at the Tortilla Point of Entry. Photo Courtesy of Loretto Academy

Azalea Esquivel-Reyes, Class Sections Editor

Loretto is structured under four core values:  faith, community, justice, and respect.

Seniors posing for a picture at the end of the vigil. Picture courtesy of Loretto Academy.

On a recent special field trip, seniors gathered in faith to pray for a better outcome, they gathered in a community for solidarity, they gathered in justice to bring awareness to these injustices, and they gathered in respect for human dignity.

On November 15, 2018 Loretto seniors traveled to the Tornillo Department of Homeland Security Detention Center to attend a vigil in which they prayed and stood in solidarity with other religious groups.

The purpose of this prayer circle was to bring awareness to the migrant children that are detained and stripped away from their families at tent cities such as Tornillo.

The vigil was filled with strong prayers, emotional songs, and powerful speeches.

Loretto senior Nizi Nares said “I was so emotional with all of their prayers, songs, and speeches.

It never really crossed my mind how much damage is surrounding me here in my very own community.”

Loretto seniors pose for a photo at the Tornillo rally at the entrance of the facility. Photo courtesy of Loretto Academy.

The Jewish community, the Muslim community, and the Catholic community came together in this circle of prayer with the same mission, to pray for all those immigrant children that are alone and in captivity.

Many of the people came from all over the country to come together and stand in solidarity.

Loretto senior Karla Medina said “It was a great learning experience especially since we are being taught about social justice at school.”

Social justice fights for human dignity and the common good in society.

Seniors made posters with social justice messages written on them.

Some of the posters read “Once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America, then I discovered that the immigrants were American history”

One poster quoted Pope Francis “We the people of this continent are not afraid of foreigners because many of us were once foreigners.”

Alejandra Sanchez (left) and Carolina Gamboa (right) holding up their posters. Photo courtesy of Loretto Academy.

The posters and signs made by the seniors motivated the group and they thanked the young women for their support and awareness for the cause.

Loretto English and religion teacher Ms. Franco said, “Seniors are old enough to make voting decisions and they are mature enough to make an impact in the world; and so immigration issues and children being held in detention centers should have a big impact on seniors.”

Even today, many migrant children are still waiting to be reunited with their families.

A sign held up during the Tornillo rally. Photo Courtesy of Loretto Academy.

Loretto offers their prayers for all those families that are affected by all of this and asks for social justice and peace.