Class of 2018 Seniors at their Christmas Assembly. Photo courtesy of Alejandra Saldaña.
This school year, each classification at Loretto Academy has been working hard in anticipation for one of the most beloved assemblies of the year – The Christmas Assembly.
At this particular celebration, each class must memorize a Christmas song to be performed for all the students and parents at the assembly.
What sets this assembly apart from the rest, though, is the Seniors’ medley of songs.
The Senior leadership girls put together multiple songs for the girls to memorize, this year the songs are “Mistletoe” by Justin Bieber, “Joy to the World”, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree”, and a Loretto favorite, “Mary Had a Baby”.
The song, “Mary Had a Baby”, is particularly special to the Loretto community, as it has been sung every year to close off the assembly.
The event is usually a very emotional one, ending in tears and hugs because it is the Seniors’ last Christmas at Loretto.
Maria Andrea Fernandez, Loretto Senior, said, “I think it’ll be really emotional because seeing my cousin last year sing at her last Christmas assembly was touching.
It’s going to be even more sad this year now that we are finally seniors”
For this reason, the Christmas assembly is always a favorite, and by far one of the most beautiful and exciting events at Loretto.
Some other activities that are in store are an orchesis performance, show choir performance, and a multitude of competitions between classes.
Student council president and vice president Christina Urrea and Ava Moreno, hosts of the assemblies, are not saying much about the anticipated assembly, but are definitely making us excited.
Ava Moreno said, “There will be a special surprise for the student body…”.
We can’t wait to see what Student Council will put together for the student body, as well as each classification’s song.